
Sant'Or / Santor - Panos - Orange amphora aged Greek wine - Achaia - Natural Wine - Eklektikon

Biodynamic Roditis grapes, vinified with its skins in an old reclaimed amphora.

  • Grower: Sant’Or Wines
  • Vintage: 2022
  • Type: Light Orange Dry Wine
  • Grapes: Roditis 100%
  • Appellation: PGI Achaia
  • Alcohol: 12.00%
  • Bottle: 750ml
  • Viticulture: Demeter Certified Biodynamic, Certified Organic
  • Vinification: Spontaneously fermented in clay amphora with a 8-day maceration, no pressing, and 4.5-month maturation in large amphorae.
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  • Certified Biodynamic & Certified Organic
  • Climate: Mediterranean climate with dry summers
  • Soil: Clay-loam, schist rocks
  • Vine age: Planted in 1992
  • Altitude: 400m
  • Slope: 20°
  • Planting density: 2,500 plants / ha
  • Yield: 2.5 kg / plant
  • Irrigation: None
  • Spraying: Sulfur and copper (twice), 501 (twice)
  • Harvesting: Manually in plastic crates


  • Maceration: Skin contact in clay amphora for 8 days
  • Pressing: None
  • Temperature Control: None
  • Fermentation: Spontaneous fermentation with wild yeast for 8 days in clay amphora
  • Malolactic: Spontaneously completed
  • Maturation: 4.5 months in large amphorae
  • Clarification: Naturally
  • Filtration: None
  • Production: 1,100 lt
  • Alcohol: 12.00%
  • Acidity: 8.50 gr/l
  • RS: 3.30 gr/l
  • Total sulfites: 30 mg / l
  • Certification: Biodynamic wine (Demeter), Organic grapes, Vegan
  • Bottle: 750ml

Sant’Or wines is located outside the historical 3rd largest Greek city of Patra, and operated by a local grower, Panagiotis Dimitropoulos, who is cultivating his 4.5 ha of vineyards biodynamically, at an altitude of 600m, with no irrigation. Indigenous to the historical village of Santomeri is the rare white grape Santameriana, as well as the famous (for its sweet wines) red grape Mavrodafni (literally “black laurel”), revived through impressive dry vinifications. Panagiotis is the only grower cultivating the Santameriana grape, and one of very few making dry monovarietal Mavrodafni.

Patra is the third largest city of Greece, and is famous for its carnival celebration.